I remember when this album came out, I posted something about it on one of my blogs (I’ve had many). The album artwork was beautifully done and was a great fit with the music and John Mayer.
I enjoy buying cd’s but now it has to be a really good album, before I’ll buy it. One of the things I’ve appreciated about John Mayer, is that he rewards that decision with giving you something worth keeping. I remember the disappointment of getting cds where the insert was just one piece of paper with the song list. Incredibly anti-climactic.
Watching this video gives me an even greater respect for the artwork, to see all the layers that went into it, as well as, David Smith’s skilled craftsmanship to create the glass and mirrored signs.
I could picture, in my head, John Mayer losing his mind when he received the shipment from David Smith.
Oftentimes, I’m asked if I think print is dying. My answer is always ‘no’. It’s becoming more crafted. Everyone is moving towards digital to the point that it has become ubiquitous. When agencies call themselves a digital agency, it feels unnecessary. Think about how many sites or articles you bookmark on Medium, Feedly, or more generally, in your browser. Then think about how many times you go back to read those things. It’s probably not often. Out of sight, out of mind. Physical things have the advantage of ‘reappearing’, reminding you of their existence. However, if we are to hold onto something (and not throw it out), it must be something really meaningful and relevant.